Freddie Wyndham Yoga - logophilosophy
  1. Prayer
  2. Dhyana, Jnana and Bhakti - Living the Life of a Yogi
  3. Meditation - Experiencing Your Beingness
  4. Happiness is the natural state of our Being
  5. Conscious Awareness
  6. Metaphors to illustrate the Nature of our True Self – the Soul
  7. What is the Heart?
  8. Our Soul is our true and deepest Teacher
  9. Two facets of our Spiritual Practice and Life
  10. What is Yoga?
  11. Jnanahata Yoga
  12. Our Sadhana is a process of Purification
  13. Samskaras
  14. Sanskrit and The Study of The Yoga Texts and Scriptures
  15. Yoga Sutras
  1. Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
  2. Dhyana (meditation)
  3. Samadhi
  4. The Metaphor of a Raft Flowing On a River
  5. A guided Dhyana Practice
  6. Intuition and Omniscience
  7. What is Meditation?
  8. Practicing the Presence
  9. What is Enlightenment?
  10. Chanting and Mantra
  11. Yoga and Spirituality
  12. New Years Message 2009
  13. Reawakening: Spring Message 2010
  14. How do you define Love?
  15. Christmas/New Years Prayer/Message 2011
  16. The Miracle of Yoga - New Years Message 2012
  17. Heaven of our Hearts - New Years Message 2013

What is enlightenment?

Instead of viewing enlightenment as some lofty goal that might be achieved after a lifetime of striving. Think of it as a process of enlightenment. The more you realize and "live out" from your Soul, and the more you "live in" and express the unconditional love, compassion, kindness, and truth of your Soul &mdash the more enlightened you are, and the more enlightened your life is. And remember, those qualities of your Soul are the natural state of your being. So through our sadhana, which includes the way we live our lives, we become more enlightened with every breath, every moment, every day, every year. This reminds me of another wonderful quote by Yoganandaji: "If you fill the minutes of your life with divine aspirations, automatically the years will be saturated with them".