Freddie Wyndham Yoga - logophilosophy
  1. Prayer
  2. Dhyana, Jnana and Bhakti - Living the Life of a Yogi
  3. Meditation - Experiencing Your Beingness
  4. Happiness is the natural state of our Being
  5. Conscious Awareness
  6. Metaphors to illustrate the Nature of our True Self – the Soul
  7. What is the Heart?
  8. Our Soul is our true and deepest Teacher
  9. Two facets of our Spiritual Practice and Life
  10. What is Yoga?
  11. Jnanahata Yoga
  12. Our Sadhana is a process of Purification
  13. Samskaras
  14. Sanskrit and The Study of The Yoga Texts and Scriptures
  15. Yoga Sutras
  1. Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
  2. Dhyana (meditation)
  3. Samadhi
  4. The Metaphor of a Raft Flowing On a River
  5. A guided Dhyana Practice
  6. Intuition and Omniscience
  7. What is Meditation?
  8. Practicing the Presence
  9. What is Enlightenment?
  10. Chanting and Mantra
  11. Yoga and Spirituality
  12. New Years Message 2009
  13. Reawakening: Spring Message 2010
  14. How do you define Love?
  15. Christmas/New Years Prayer/Message 2011
  16. The Miracle of Yoga - New Years Message 2012
  17. Heaven of our Hearts - New Years Message 2013

Intuition and Omniscience

First let’s describe intuition and Omniscience. Intuition is truth, insight, wisdom, inspiration, guidance and ingenuity manifesting in your conscious awareness. Omniscience means all knowing.

As we know from previous discussions, our Soul, which is our true and real self, is a manifestation of God – one with God, made in the image of God. Therefore, because our Soul shares in the qualities and attributes of God’s conscious, God’s truth is not only inherent in our Soul, our Soul is God’s truth.

As we practice our sadhana and we begin to experience and know ourselves as Soul, the line, or boundary, between our mind and our Soul consciousness begins to blur, and the truth, wisdom and guidance of our Soul begins to manifest or spill over into our conscious awareness. The manifestation of these Soul attributes in our conscious awareness is intuition and omniscience.

Similarly, through the practice of our sadhana, all of the other attributes of our Soul, of God – the love, joy, compassion, peace and goodness that make up our true nature are also manifested in and as our lives.